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Tarot Cards - When Death Appears Should You Be Afraid?

 Loss of life is always hard - especially on family members who are left behind. Many people take a while to process the news and may go through a grieving period. If you have recently experienced death of a loved one, then you are probably suffering through emotional pain in response to your loss. Grief is a very common emotion experienced by people of all ages. Every year in America, 4% of children younger than the age of 15 lose a parent through death. With such dramatic ratio before us, it is only logical to find a way to deal with such a tragic loss. In my case, I received a call from my college friend letting me know that her mother had passed away. I was leaving for a business trip to Colorado the next morning for a meeting that was months in the making. There was no way I could miss it. Yet, at the same time I was heartbroken for my friend and her family. I wanted to be there for her and at the funeral in New York. But, it just wasn't possible. My meeting was in Denver on Tuesday morning, her mother's funeral was in Long Island that same afternoon. I went to my meeting. My friend went to her mother's funeral. I sent flowers and a card. I felt awful. Now, visiting my friend, even years later, when her Mom is mentioned, I still feel a twang of guilt that I wasn't at her funeral. Years past, the grave and its existence disappeared. A tractor mower had knocked over the temporary grave marker, and weeds soon engulfed this neglected resting-place. It was almost as if the man had never lived at all. It remained that way for almost seven years following his death. When a Christian fears death he is being irrational. A Christian's belief in the deity of Christ eliminates his fear of death. Jesus didn't mince any words when it came to proclaiming that he was divine. The Jewish leaders came to him and asked, Who do you think you are? (John 8:53) Aren't we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed? Calling Jesus a Samaritan was the equivalent of using the N word in today's culture. Jesus was willing to risk his life to tell them the truth. Seeing myself in a different light is good news. I am no longer a helpless victim, but a strong survivor. Do I think he got what he deserved when he died? I certainly did not want him to die, and the fact that he died at a young age always makes me sad. The fancy cooking and complex concoctions that women folk would toss his way also made him suspicious. How could you tell what was in it? Mashed potatoes, gravy, and a slab of meat were his true liking, and when the dish didn't suit his simple taste, he would pick through it trying to determine its contents. Harley Grooter's wife said such scrutiny insinuated she was trying to poison him. Maybe so, for she wasn't that good a cook. That's probably why Harley took most of his meals at the Roxy Cafe. I am not sure if the Nelson's were a part of my invention, or my reinvention. I think both, because I think back when trying to make a decision and remember some of the life lessons I learned back then watching Ozzie, Harriet David and Ricky Nelson on TV. funeral program funeral program funeral program

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